I do like the Toyota Crown very much as a large saloon car, and this 14th generation of the Crown is my favourite from them all. The hard part was finding a colour which suited it.This is the 3rd Aoshima Toyota Crown I've built.
Nice clean mouldings, good shape and proportions, good decals, plenty of details - for example a separate chromed crown emblem for the steering wheel centre. Window masks included. Fits together easily. Moulded in white so it's easy to make it any colour you wish. Great wheels. Adjustable ride height and camber, if that's your thing. Separate chromed door handles.
The glue contact points for the front and rear bumpers are very very small, and needed reinforcement from the inside. The chassis is Aoshima's long-in-use spring/screw adjustable "large car standard" and is not representative of the real thing. The front grille's chrome part's attachment to the sprue could have been in a place less visible in the final build. Curbside - no engine.
Very very good. It easily builds into an excellent replica of the real thing.
Painted in Hycote Audi Dakota Grey, cleared with Mr Hobby Premium Gloss. The only addition to what was in the box is the Toyota emblem on the boot, which is a Tamiya item. The door mirrors are by some margin the largest I've ever fitted to a kit. At this point I'm certain I've found the sweet spot of model car kit photography, a few of these are amongst the best I've taken.
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