I saw one of these whilst on holiday in Tokyo and it's a great looking elegant car. It was not hard to find a model kit of one a few days after seeing the real one, and I've built it as per the one I saw on the road - silver and unmodified.
All fits together nicely. Nice detail on the chassis and suspension and it's got decals to simulate the semi-jazzy seat fabric that was so popular in Japanese cars of this era. It also came with window masks to make life a little easier.
Very few. There's no engine, and there's a separate "low down kit" sprue in the box that has both no instructions and doesn't fit that well (I tried it). It would be better to leave it out. There's also a set of TRD wheels that are a bit too big, although they'll be useful somewhere else down the line.
Great. Easy kit to make, nice result. Not much more to say.
Built entirely out of the box. Painted in Tamiya TS-76 Mica Silver and cleared with Tamiya TS-13.
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