There are a lot of details, and a really nice engine. The seats have the most realistic depiction of leather in plastic I've come across in 10 years of building kits. Interior is detailed and [only the interior] is easy to assemble.
Terrible mouldings, lots of ejector pin marks, slightly misaligned tools, warped body parts. Instructions are mostly a vague guide, terrible fitment of many parts. Slightly cheap, waxy feel to the plastic. Mostly a complete and total pain to assemble, especially if you follow the instructions. Body does not sit correctly onto the chassis without a huge amount of effort. Many things need to be fiddled with to get this kit to work as intended by it's designer. Horrible chrome wheels. A-pillars are the thinnest most useless things ever and hard to glue into the windscreen. Poor decals, lots of carrier film. A whole catalogue of work.
Not for beginners. Not even for intermediates. This is a pig of a kit but underneath the pain and in there somewhere, with enough effort, is something not half bad. There's something satisfying about wrestling this beast into a result. It is still far from perfect however.
Changed wheels/tyres to the ones that come with the Tamiya Corolla WRC. Changed wheel hubs to accomodate Tamiya wheel mounts. Discarded heat-shielding over engine pipes and scratch built some alternative. Added extra details into the engine bay and the front battery bay. Added seatbelt retainers to the interior.
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